Getting Connected
At Christ Church, our mission is to love God and people and we do this in a number of ways. You can see some of the ways we do this below. If you would like to become involved in any of these ministries, please contact us.
Team Ministry
Christ Church is focused on walking into what we and many others call the "Ministry of All the Baptized", where all believers join in the work. Our model of church governance and ministry is called Team Ministry. Our ministry involves the Mission, Ministry, and Management of the faith community of Christ Church. All are welcomed to join a team and begin to serve.

Outreach (Mission)
This Team helps connect our faith community to the wider community; assessing needs and pairing the gifts of Christ Church to those needs. The Commission forms missional partnerships with other faith traditions, organizations, and individuals throughout our wider community and world.

Pastoral Care (Ministry)
This Team provides emotional and spiritual guidance, comfort, and care to the members of our faith community and where and when appropriate to our neighbors in the wider community.
Worship (Ministry)
This Team creates space for Spirit-filled, authentic celebration. Worship at Christ Church is designed to reflect our celebration of the love of God in Word and Sacrament.
Administration (Management)
This Team handles the day to day business side of the faith community and will help coordinate events, inform members of our faith community, and promote Christ Church and events.
Finance (Management)
This Team oversees the financial health of our faith community. Those involved in this ministry monitor our finances in the short term and seek to develop sustainable paths for the long term. Budget and finance works with the other commissions to develop a budget for our faith community.
Buildings and Grounds (Management)
This Team cares for the needs of the physical plant and grounds. The commissioners coordinates contracted services when necessary. The building and grounds will be kept in a way that reflects our desire to be a welcoming community of faith and also our desire to live sustainably and responsibly in the world.
Hospitality (Mission)
This Team helps create an open and celebratory community. The Commission will develop authentic and intentional actions of welcome and fellowship that will build up and affirm members, visitors, and neighbors.

Formation (Ministry)
This Team provides opportunity for intellectual and spiritual nurturing for our faith community.

Christ Church has taken on projects over the years that have become meaningful to the faith community and to the wider community in Austin and the surrounding area. We consider these projects acts of love and service.
Sauerkraut Dinner
Our Annual Sauerkraut Dinner has been providing Austin with an affordable homemade sauerkraut meal for many years. Though a fund raiser, we consider this an outreach to Austin. In 2018 we celebrated our 82nd Annual Sauerkraut Dinner! It is a truly iconic event held at Christ Church

San Jose Obrero
Christ Church along with the Southeast Mission Area has been involved in a mission project to migrant workers who come to Montgomery Minnesota every summer. This project is now an official Mission of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota

Easter Community Dinner
Our Easter dinner is open to the community. For those who may not have family in town or space to gather with family. We serve a wonderful meal where people enjoy good food and company.
Community Garden
A new project begun at Christ Church recently is the Community Garden. This project runs through the late Summer months into early Fall. This project provides many of our neighbors with fresh vegetables grown on our west lawn. Along with the vegetables we provide eggs and fruit as well.