Episcopal, [əˈpiskəpəl] of a bishop or bishops.
The Episcopal Church originated in the Church of England which was established during the 16th century at a time of controversy and conflict throughout the wider church. Among the reforms embraced during this time, the CofE retained the historic orders of Bishop, Priest, Deacon, and Laity.
Christ Church is a faith community of the Episcopal Church in Minnesota, a diocese of The Episcopal Church (USA), a province of the Anglican Communion. Our Bishop is the Right Reverend Craig Loya, the X Bishop of Minnesota.
Our worship is grounded in ancient liturgy and ritual. Our liturgy and ritual are an expression of worship and a means of experiencing God more fully in our lives. Together we are disciples in the Way of Jesus and Ministers of the Gospel of Christ.
What Christ Church means to me
“Christ Church is my extended family; friends that welcome all to the Lord’s table, share life experiences and love unconditionally. We share God’s Word and peace with all who come and ensure that everyone understands they are welcome at God’s table. Christ Church represents community, family, love and faith.”
“We are about loving and serving God. We’re a group of Christians – all ages, all backgrounds – who worship liturgically, scripturally and prayerfully. Our purpose is to welcome and serve the community.”
“I think we are all here at God’s will to show all we meet how Christ would want us to treat them by the actions we portray to them.”
“Christ Church represents God’s love. This love is absent of barriers and does not have an ulterior motivation. It is love in its purest form for all beings.”
“We are a community of Christian believers with a heart for the people in our area. We pray with reverence and play with zeal and joy.”
“Christ Church welcomed us to their church home with open arms and surrounded us with love at a troubled time in our lives where we lost 6 important people in our lives and both of us had experienced cancer. There was no judgment of us as brand new attendees of this church. Just questions as to how they could help.”
Our team
Over several years of discerning the many gifts present in our faith community, Christ Church has transitioned to Team Ministry, utilizing this biblical approach to include the whole body of Christ in its mission, ministry and management. The Team consists of lay and clergy persons sharing equal responsibility for leading and governing the local faith community. A list of Commissions (Teams) and Team Leads is provided below. The Rev. John Sullivan is the priest at Christ Church and serves as a Team member.
Sue Grove
Commission of Administration
This commission handles the day to day business side of Christ Church and will help coordinate events, inform members and promote Christ Church and events. Call the office at 507-433-3782 to talk to our Parish Secretary.
Val Kruger
Commission of Budget and Finance
This commission oversees the financial health of Christ Church. The commission monitors our finances in the short term and seeks to develop a sustainable path for the long term. Budget and Finance works with other commission to develop a budget.
Lloyd Amick
Commission of Buildings and Grounds
This commission cares for the needs of the physical plant and grounds. It coordinates contracted services when necessary and maintains the facility of Christ Church in a way that reflects our desire to be a welcoming community of faith and also our desire to live sustainably and responsibly in the world.
Angela Donovan
Commission of Formation
This commission provides opportunities for intellectual and spiritual nurturing for all ages at Christ Church.
Lori Amick
Commission of Hospitality
This commission helps create an open and celebratory community. It develops authentic and intentional actions of welcome and fellowship that build up and affirm members, visitors, and neighbors.
Lee Johnson
Commission of Outreach
This commission is concerned with Christ Church’s role in the wider community; assessing needs and pairing the gifts of Christ Church to those needs. It forms missional partnerships with other faith traditions, organizations, and individuals throughout our wider community and world.
Jim Churchill
This commission provides emotional support and spiritual guidance, comfort and care to the members of Christ Church and when appropriate to our neighbors in the wider community.
The Rev. John Sullivan
This commission creates space for Spirit-filled, authentic celebration. Worship at Christ Church is designed to reflect our celebration of the love of God in Word and Sacrament.